What Makes Your Life 100%?

The most significant change in a person's life is a change of attitude. Right attitudes produce right actions.

Sep 17, 2011

How To Write Particular Types of Letter in English

These letters are useful for students who want to learn how to write particular types of letter in English. There is an application for a job, a letter to a newspaper and several complaint letters.

To do some exercises on these texts click here

Activiities From BBC to teach them how to write letters

Are You Ready To Write a Letter?

Here is letter generator. Practice!

Unit 1 Let's keep in touch Lesson1 Meet old friends- Vocabulary

Dear students of classes 8B,8C!
Pay attention to the words you should use in your speech.

Unit 1 Lesson 1

 To get better marks, to join school clubs, to be late, to miss classes, to learn something, to become stronger (healthier, thinner), to travel, to make new friends, to visit relatives, to get a dog, to do one’s best, to buy something

Unit 1 Lesson 2,3

Verb activator:  the verb to get

to get away, to get back, It’s getting cold, to get a cold, to get up, to get over, to get through something,

How are you getting on?

Hope to hear from you soon.

 Best wishes, …..

To look forward to hearing from somebody

Thanks for your letter.

Write soon!

It was great to hear from you.

Let’s keep in touch.

I haven’t heard from you for ages.

Yours faithfully,…..

Yours sincerely, …

I’m sorry, I have to stop now

Unit 1 Lesson 4,5

Conversation bricks

That’s great! I’m glad to hear it. What a shame! That’s good news! Are you? Good for you! Mmmm… Really? Tell me! Did they? How wonderful!

Oh no! How awful! What a pity! Bad news travels fast.

How To Write an Informal Letter

Here is an example how to do it

Sep 4, 2011

Homework for class 8C, 8B

Учащиеся моей группы 8 класса!
Напоминаю вам, чтобы успешно начать  курс английского в 8 классе, необходимо повторить материал грамматический за 7 класс.
 1. стр. 222- Present Simple, стр. 229- Present Progressive, стр. 233- Future Simple. Особое внимание обратите на случаи употребления этих времён для выражения будущих действий.
2. Повторите материал о разных видах чтения на стр. 5,6 и тщательно поработайте с домашним упражнением на стр.8 (A,B,C,D)
Ваша учительница Л.А.

Useful Links for Unit 1

Hi there, Classes 8B and 8C! Here is additional information for our lessons.
Unit 1. Let's keep in touch
Lesson 2,3. New's from St David's School. Lesson 4,5 No news is good news
— как писать письма по-английски? Где найти онлайн-тренажер, обучающий писать письма? Как писать formal and informal letters? Где найти образцы formal и
informal letters?
- tips on how to write a letter
- an online letter generator, a wonderful activity to teach children how to write letters
- an online activity from BBC to teach children how to write letters
– tips on how to write formal and business letters
– instructions for writing a formal letter
– an example of a formal letter
- suggestions, tips and some exercises in writing formal letters
a sample formal letter
– basic rules of informal letter writing
– instructions for writing an informal letter
– an example of informal letter
– model letters to learn how to write particular types of letter in English
- a sample informal letter

Lesson 6 Valentine's Day
Где найти информацию про обычаи, традиции, легенды, подарки, истории связанные с
Valentine's Day?
- encyclopaedia entry about St. Valentine's Day

- videos, history, interesting facts and activities to celebrate Valentine's Day
– ideas of gifts, cards and greetings for Valentine's Day

– information about Valentine's Day traditions and customs
- Valentine's Day ideas, cards and gifts
– legends of St Valentine's Day
– the most popular Valentine's Day gifts
- free collection of Valentine's Day cards, poems and jokes
– free printable Valentine's Day cards
– collection of Valentine's Day SMS, stories, poems
– crafts and activities to celebrate Valentine's Day
– Valentine's Day games for children online