This blog is for grade 8 students who are going to take "Happy" course by K.I.Kaufman
What Makes Your Life 100%?
The most significant change in a person's life is a change of attitude. Right attitudes produce right actions.
Feb 28, 2012
Let's Speak About English Mania
My dear all,
click this link . You'll find my lesson for you to discuss English Mania. Do all the tasks and get ready for the class.
Best wishes,
Lyudmila Anikina
click this link . You'll find my lesson for you to discuss English Mania. Do all the tasks and get ready for the class.
Best wishes,
Lyudmila Anikina
Feb 26, 2012
Feb 25, 2012
Feb 24, 2012
Our Prezi On 'Passport Of My Language' Project
Dear students of Classes 8B and 8C,
here you can see our prezi made for your project 'Passport Of My Language' . Zhenya Chernyshov Yekaterina Sazanovich
Feb 13, 2012
Unit 5. Find your way in the world of information.
Lesson 1 Mass media – что такое СМИ? Какие средства массовой информации бывают? - encyclopaedia entry about mass media – brief information about what mass media is – an article on types of mass media – a short article on different types of mass media - information about types of mass media and its positive and negative influences – links to information about mass media and its ifluence on society and particularly on young people – kids encyclopaedia entry about mass media – information for parents to help children and teenagers use various forms of mass media reasonably - encyclopaedia entry about the history of the Internet – information for parents on how to teach a child to make use of Internet without harm to his/her moral and physical health – a list of the most popular children's websites compiled by the Center for Media Education (Washington) - encyclopaedia entry about the history of radio – free online kids radio stations of USA;pageregion=nav – radio guide to children's music radio stations – a website dedicated to classical music for children – with podcasts, interactive website and lesson planning materials - encyclopaedia entry about history of television;o=0&l=dir – links to the websites of history of television for children – official websites of kids favourite TV channels - the official website of Discovery Channel – a brief history of newspapper – the history of the first news sheet, the first newspapper, the first daily newspapper - encyclopaedia entry about history of newspappres and magazines – links to the chronological history of British newspappers - encyclopaedia entry about history of American newspappers - the 50 most popular online USA newspappers, world newspappres and magazines - links to the websites of newspappers in English for kids and teenagers - encyclopaedia entry about magazines - links to websites of magazines on different subjects – information and brief discriptions of magazines for kids and teens - links to the websites of magazines in English for kids and teenagers - encyclopaedia entry about mass media – brief information about what mass media is – an article on types of mass media – a short article on different types of mass media - information about types of mass media and its positive and negative influences – links to information about mass media and its ifluence on society and particularly on young people – kids encyclopaedia entry about mass media – information for parents to help children and teenagers use various forms of mass media reasonably - encyclopaedia entry about the history of the Internet – information for parents on how to teach a child to make use of Internet without harm to his/her moral and physical health – a list of the most popular children's websites compiled by the Center for Media Education (Washington) - encyclopaedia entry about the history of radio – free online kids radio stations of USA;pageregion=nav – radio guide to children's music radio stations – a website dedicated to classical music for children – with podcasts, interactive website and lesson planning materials - encyclopaedia entry about history of television;o=0&l=dir – links to the websites of history of television for children – official websites of kids favourite TV channels - the official website of Discovery Channel – a brief history of newspapper – the history of the first news sheet, the first newspapper, the first daily newspapper - encyclopaedia entry about history of newspappres and magazines – links to the chronological history of British newspappers - encyclopaedia entry about history of American newspappers - the 50 most popular online USA newspappers, world newspappres and magazines - links to the websites of newspappers in English for kids and teenagers - encyclopaedia entry about magazines - links to websites of magazines on different subjects – information and brief discriptions of magazines for kids and teens - links to the websites of magazines in English for kids and teenagers
Feb 7, 2012
Info Links For the Project "The Passport Of My Language"
Lesson 6.Where does the Russian language come from? – Где найти информацию об истории русского языка? Где распространен русский язык? - encyclopaedia entry about the history of the Russian Language – a short article on history of the Russian Language - encyclopaedia entry about the Russian language, its geographic distribution, etc – frequently asked questions about the Russian Language - information for children – an article about Russian borrowings in English
Lesson 7 Project «The Passport of my language» - Какие языки являются официальными языками Евросоюза и ООН? - encyclopaedia entry about the languages of the European Union - frequently asked questions about the European Union's policy on languages – information about the official languages of the United Nations – a list of official languages of sovereign countries
Lesson 7 Project «The Passport of my language» - Какие языки являются официальными языками Евросоюза и ООН? - encyclopaedia entry about the languages of the European Union - frequently asked questions about the European Union's policy on languages – information about the official languages of the United Nations – a list of official languages of sovereign countries
Feb 4, 2012
Read this article sent by Helene Schmidt
My dear students!
Now you're working on your projects "Passport of my language". Read this article and be ready to discuss it in class.
The 8 Easiest Languages for English Speakers to Learn
On an increasingly international planet, multilingualism is fast becoming a desired trait in employees, meaning today's college students enjoy an advantage if their degree plans require a second (or even third!) language. English speakers in America particularly find this possibility challenging, as far too many schools downplay the importance of learning to speak something additional. Fortunately, those who feel as if the system failed them in this regard can still pick up a foreign language relatively quickly. The following, ranked as Category I by the Foreign Service Institute but listed in no particular order, offer up comparatively easy starting points. Starting points which might very well prove useful for more than touristic reasons!RomanianStrangely enough, the Foreign Service Institute does not rank German as one of the easiest second languages for native English speakers. Romanian, a Latin Romance derivative with heavy Slavic overtones, is labeled as one of the simplest. It preserves many of the same grammatical elements of its forebear because of its comparatively isolated evolution. FSI places Romanian in Category I, meaning it should take 23 to 24 weeks – or 575 to 600 hours – to attain proficiency.
FrenchLike Romanian – not to mention every other language listed here – FSI considers French a Category I pursuit. Hailing from the Romance family, it loaned so many vocabulary words to English that native speakers probably won't struggle as much as they would with something far less linguistically prominent. The French government itself regulates the language, so the grammar and spelling rules are far more rigid than most others. Actually, they haven't strayed too far from the original Latin, so anyone with a familiarity with the dead tongue probably won't struggle too much with their lessons.
With Spanish becoming more and more ingrained into everyday American life, United States citizens are lucky it's labeled as one of the easiest for English speakers to pick up. FSI places it in Category I because of its straightforward sounds and grammar system. Seeing as how this Romance language contributed so many everyday words to the seemingly ubiquitous Germanic offshoot, classes will likely prove relatively painless. Do keep in mind that Latin American and European Spanish do sport some differences, so make sure to find lessons fitting proper regional or business needs.

Italian, French, Romanian, and Spanish aren't the same thing, of course, but knowing one means nominally comprehending the basics of the other. A not-insignificant chunk of English vocabulary comes directly from Italian's Latin Romance roots, making it an easy enough start for anyone looking to pick up a second language. It's especially breezy for native English speakers who already hold a proficiency in others from the same family. Funny enough, despite its famous relationship with Catalan, Italian is actually 89% lexicographically similar to French, as opposed to 87% to the Spanish dialect.
DutchSeeing as how Dutch comes from a West Germanic lineage, it makes perfect sense that native English speakers would take to the language pretty swiftly. In fact, over time it has started absorbing more and more vocabulary words from English, so the two already resemble one another somewhat. According to FSI, some of the inflections are identical as well, though Dutch still holds more in common with its ancestor than its cousin. Afrikaans, a Dutch offshoot spoken in South Africa, is also considered a Category I language.
NorwegianAs with Swedish, this Scandinavian tongue started out as a Germanic-Norse hybridization before gradually morphing into its own – so of course it's considered an ideal second language for native English speakers. Many of its words are actually borrowed from English, though the grammar structure hews more closely to German and Old Norse. Newcomers might face difficulty with the fact that, unlike French (from which it also borrows) and other similar languages, Norwegian isn't nearly as standardized.
SwedishAnother blend of Germanic and Norse, Swedish holds more in common with Dutch and Norwegian than English, but that doesn't compromise its Category I status with the FSI. Because of its complex vocabulary and grammatical structure, those for whom English is the primary language might stumble a bit at first. Though, like its linguistic neighbors, many English words have wormed their way into the Swedish lexicon.
PortuguesePortuguese as spoken in Portugal and Portuguese as spoken in Brazil do depart from one another, so figure out which classes focus on which dialect before forming any commitments. Being a Romance language means inevitable overlaps with French, Spanish, Italian, and Romanian, though it involves more vowel sounds than all of these. As of late, Portuguese has absorbed a goodly amount of English words, though it does also borrow liberally from other Romance tongues.
Marcadores: Cultura geral, English language
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